Monday, 11 March 2013

Safety tips for using potato gun

Spud Gun
A potato gun, also called a spud gun, a spud zooka, potato launcher or spud launcher, is a wonderful device that is enjoying a lot of popularity these days. More and more people are buying potato guns to enjoy the fun and adventure that they promise. However, these guns are quite serious than what may be deciphered from their names. Improper handling and usage can result in serious injuries or even death in some unfortunate events.
Here are some safety tips and precautions that you must follow before using the potato guns
Never point your loaded spud gun at any animal or vehicle or building as it can prove as dangerous as a conventional firearm.
You must avoid looking down the barrel or the chamber of the spud gun, especially when the gun is fully loaded.
Do not put away loaded spud guns as they can be pressed accidentally-resulting in a serious mishap.
Shoot spud guns in open spaces where potatoes would hit the ground and not any person or animal or building.
It is not safe to use the potato gun in extreme cold weather or hot weather conditions. In extremely cold weather, the PVC pipe of the gun becomes fragile and tends to break down easily. In hot weather, the solvent that binds the spud gun together softens and causes the gun to fall apart. A mild temperature is ideal and safe for enjoying potato gun.
Spud guns that are made using non pressure rated PV pipes are more likely to explode and hence prove dangerous. Use only pressure rated PVC pipes for safe potato gun experience.
Whether you are making your own potato gun or you are buying one, make sure that the gun is made using good quality solvent, has proper chamber to barrel size ration, and makes use of hairspray as a propellant as acetylene, hydrogen and other high powered fuels are dangerous.
Keep the safety precautions in mind and have a great potato gun experience!


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