Saturday, 17 November 2012

Spuds and the Sound Barriers

An introduction to sound barriers should be the ideal way for starting this blog; however the name itself gives all of us a fair idea of what exactly it is. For a spud gun to break the sound barrier it has to be extremely powerful or structured around a custom design.

You will find that the spud guns that are popular are of a hybrid genre and on the contrary the rule of exception is applicable here as well. There are some pneumatic spud cannons that are at par with the ones aforementioned.

The usage of a special, low-density gas like helium has made it possible for these guns to break the sound barrier. Sometimes you will notice that an amalgamation of high pressure with fast valve will yield out the same consequences.

The sound barrier exists because the speed of the particles within the gas is not enough to break it. You will find that in order to provide relevant amount of acceleration force, the speed of the particles in escalated by several different ways. The above mentioned instance of the usage of helium is one such method by which it is accomplished.

1 comment:

  1. would hydrogen work as a low-density gas propellant?
